This is my Family.
This is my Heart.
This is why I work so hard and this is why I started this blog....
Because I know there are other's like me out there in our little community - who create amazing unique things, have special skills and talents and who are struggling to make it in this crumbling economy.
Without advertising - we are invisible to our neighbors. How do we find each other? How do we shop locally if we don't know the talent that lies within the homes surrounding us?
Did you know that your neighbor across the street makes Post Apocalyptic Zombie Slaying armor , costumes and props? Did you know that the lady you saw playing Superhero Ninjas with her three small children has her own Photography business? How about the old Veteran that sits outside on his front porch whittling wood all day...did you know he has breathtakingly gorgeous hand made wooden furniture he is creating in his garage? Do you have any idea that your favorite purple haired, pierced pizza delivery boy is actually an amazing Cellist who loves Bach and just made his first "Real CD?"
I bet you have no idea how much talent is walking past you every day.
I am starting this blog because we need this.
We need to support each other.
We need to shop local.
We need to tell the rest of the 99% what they are missing out on when they go to the mall instead of visiting our local shops, browsing our websites, checking out our etsy stores and noticing our little houses and apartments filled with hand made AWESOME.
I am Jen Owen.
I am your neighbor.
I am a mother of three and wife.
I am a friend and an advocate for our Veterans and Deployed Soldiers.
I walk to raise money for Cancer research.
I dress up like zombie slayers and run around old mental hospitals with my family and laugh with them - just for fun and memory sake.
I am a professional photographer and I love my job.
If you have a small business, offer services that you want people to know about... create art, music, jewelry, armor...anything...please email me at jenmartinstudios@comcast.net
Lets talk.
Let's tell the neighbors about you.
We are here.
We are Bellingham.